Total investment: interactive map

What happens with the money and who receives it? On our interactive map, you can see where the ERDF has already invested. What has already been funded in your area? Compare your district and city with others in Thuringia. You can also choose the various priorities for funding.

Have fun exploring the ERDF in Thuringia.


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Usage hints

This interactive map graphically displays the ERDF subsidies for Thuringia. You are explicitly called upon to use this graphic for your work as well, e.g. by taking screenshots of the desired view and distributing them or incorporating them into your presentations. In any case, please cite efre-thü as the source.

icon Starting from the home screen, you can explore the current distribution of subsidies by district and municipality. You can get back there any time by clicking on Start.

If you click on a district, the view of the according district with its municipalities opens. If you click on a municipality in the view of a district, the respective municipality profile opens. In the case of independent cities such as Erfurt, you will immediately be taken to the profile.

The priority axes menu enables you to explore the distribution of subsidies by area. If a priority axis is selected, you can return to the sum total of all areas by clicking on total funding Thuringia or total funding district. You can show or hide the menu using the arrow (e.g. if you want to take a screenshot).

icon If a priority axis is selected, the submenu Investment Priorities also appears in the top right in the form of a piechart, with the help of which, you can filter even more precisely. If an in investment priority is selected, a detailed explanation of this area's contents and objectives appears below the graphic.

icon The profile enables you to compare the respective municipality with another municipality in the same district (municipalities, in which there is no funding so far are not selectable for the comparison). Via the icon Profile in the menu bar, you can display the respective district's profile in the view of the district. Here you have the option to compare the selected district with other districts or with Thuringia as a whole.

icon If you are in a district's map view and have selected a priority axis and/or an investment priority, you can return to the view of Thuringia as a whole via the menu item Thuringia while retaining the selected axis/priority.

The ERDF Team Thuringia
wishes you a lot of fun while exploring

